

I have been exploring Mandala making.  My lovely Aunt Jane who is an Art Therapist and Psychosynthesis Counselor shared with me this amazing book "Mandala Luminous Symbols for Healing"  Well I took it home and fell instantly in love!  I immediately contacted her and asked if she would like to get together once a week to work through the book and she said yes!  We both are truly enjoying creating and spending time together.

Mandalas ~ "It works by offering you dynamic visual feedback of invisible energies and graphically teaching an alchemy in which the spiritual energies of the maker infuse sacred and healing art." Judith Cornell, PH.D. 

Sooooo much more than art really the finished piece is all though enjoyable and has its purpose the inner exploration is truly the gift.  It is the letting go, being present to what is, and tapping into your own intuitive being.  
My Aunt Jane and I meet once a week to create mandala's and to share what we may have done during the week.  I just asked Aunt Jane if she would do a healing hand Mandala together with me for mom, the idea came to me at a doctors appointment. 
Mandalas can be done for yourself but they can also be done for others because the image emanates the energy that went into the piece and one can receive it just by looking at it.  It’s funny on considering making it our conversation and what we envision peace for mom to be will be most interesting.  
Will share the final results.  
Image a recent hand mandala in progress
i would like to share this as a workshop it is such a magical experience
"The more focused and concentrated you are while doing the exercises, the stronger your will becomes in moving the life force through your body for healing.  Understanding this process will help you create an alchemy of light and consciousness, merging spiritual energies with the atomic structure of your paper and pencil."  ~ Judith Cornel, PH.D.
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Hello Sandra,

I just came across your message on my website, thank you! I have not thought of selling my mandalas to tell you the truth. I would love to organize a workshop with the mandala drawing because I am very passionate about it and feel it is such an amazing experience, but I have not done it yet. It is something I would like to do in the New Year and I would be happy to connect with you then if you like.

Thank you for your comment and interest it is truly appreciated,


Nicole Horlor

Do you sell your mandalas? Could you provide me more info as to whether you are offering workshops?

Thank you,


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