Behind the scenes...

Behind the scenes...

Today I just wanted to share a little of my own journey in keeping things moving and caring for this body that preforms all its duties.

I have been going to a physiotherapist due to falls, and the years of repetitive motions this job requires, and it has been really great.  Becoming more aware of what this body is capable of is so very interesting especially now as I age.  It is a great inspiration, it's innate desire to want to heal itself and just how important our part is in the process. 

My last visit I had done some exercise but admittedly not enough, and ontop of that news to my therapist I actually aggravated it too.  Well She was not impressed with this and was stern, kind, caring and so very informative. I really find not only the exercises important but each time I go in she offer's me more guidance wether it is positioning, knowledge of what it is I am actually doing, and how it is going to help to keep me from being "a bent over old lady ;)! ".

I had a thought while doing my regular daily exercise that doing a chart might help me to stay on track because these exercises really do not take long compared to what they are offering me longterm.  Well of course ideas come and go and "I am much to busy to stop and take the time to create a chart @#$%%&*" ( please do picture me all important with a slight scowl on my face.) This is another thing I am looking at this idea of time( sorry squirrel back to topic).

I did the chart and there is no other sticker more important than the one you give yourself. 


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